Kamagra vs Viagra: Key Differences, Forms, Resume

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a complicated condition of partial of full inability to have strong erections. It may have various causes and manifestations: from age-related to those explained by taking antidepressants. Erectile dysfunction medications work on the basic level and help improve blood flow in genitals during sexual arousement. It means, ED drugs don’t cure the dysfunction itself, but provide men with full and long-lasting erections, when taken prior to sexual activity. For now, ED pills are the most effective and less dangerous way to deal with impotence and erectile dysfunction, as this disease cannot be cured completely by any methods.

What is an erection from physiological point of view? Erection starts from the brain that sends arousal signals to the nervous and hormonal systems. They work together to dilate blood vessels in penis (cavernous tissues) and the erection happens. When this flawlessly working chain get broken due to some reasons, men experience erectile dysfunction of a certain severity.

If ED is caused by some medications or temporary serious stress, there is a chance for its improvement on its own. In most cases the problem is more likely to be chronic. But there is no need to become upset, there are millions of men, who experience the same. Luckily, pharmaceutical industry developed medications with Sildenafil Citrate. It helps to fix the damaged chain of chemical and physiological reaction in the body and enables men have sex when it is desired.

Active ingredients

Yes, both medications contain Sildenafil Citrate, a substance that made a revolution at the market of male drugs. Sildenafil is one of the most popular PDE5 inhibitors. Most physicians recommend starting with it. Kamagra and Viagra are the same in their mechanism of action: there is no treatment plan, the meds are taken before a planned sexual activity. They build no kind of addiction and are safe when used properly. Always read instructions before use.

What is the key difference between Viagra and Kamagra?

Viagra is a brand name of medication patented by Pfizer at the end of 20th century. There is hardly anyone in a developed country, who has never heard about the ‘blue pill’ for better erections. Viagra provided millions of patients worldwide with a great opportunity to have active sexual relations trouble-free. About 5 years ago Pfizer’s unique patent expired. It means that any other pharmaceutical companies can manufacture and market Sildenafil-based drugs from erectile dysfunction. A reputable company Ajanta Pharma Ltd from India used this opportunity: it created Kamagra med, patented the brand, improved the range of dosages and pharmaceutical forms and started selling it worldwide. Kamagra is a twin-medication of Viagra available in various forms and higher dosages. It also provides erections during 4-5 hours after drug intake. Both medication don’t interfere with natural mechanisms and sensations during sexual intercourse. Men’s body just work as it used to work before ED. Some customers say about increased penis sensitivity due to better blood flow, though.

Pharmaceutical forms of Viagra and Kamagra

Branded Viagra is available only in three dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg. Unlike Viagra, Kamagra offers a lot more options in presentations, forms and dosages. It provides more options for first-time users and for men with severe ED cases.

You can find a convenient table below:

Dosage You can find in:
25 mg of Sildenafil Viagra tablets
50 mg of Sildenafil Viagra and Kamagra tablets
100 mg of Sildenafil 1. Viagra tablets

2. Kamagra tablets

3. Kamagra Gold tablets (for severe ED stages)

4. Kamagra Chewable (flavored tablets)

5. Kamagra Soft Tabs (soft tablets)

6. Kamagra Oral Jelly (flavored jelly in a sachet).

100 mg of Sildenafil + 60 mg of Dapoxetine Super Kamagra (tablets)

As you may have noticed, Kamagra manufacturers haven’t included 25-mg dosage in their range of meds. It is prescribed very rarely, for mild cases of erectile dysfunction. If you need 25-mg, we suggest splitting 50-mg pills. By the way, this method helps saving a lot of money. When you purchase larger packages of generic Viagra (including Kamagra) online, the price per piece is lower. You can buy 100-mg pills and split them in two, if you are used to 50 mg of Sildenafil for best results.

Viagra offers only standard tablets for oral administration. Kamagra, in its turn, has a lot more options for any taste:

  • Kamagra 50 mg and 100 mg tabs are used most frequently are available at most online pharmacies. Most men consider 50-mg enough for strong erections. This dosage rarely causes any side effects. Give it a try at least two times to understand your individual reaction.
  • Kamagra Gold 100 mg is also available it tablets. This is a recommended option for those, who found 50 mg ineffective. Kamagra Gold shows sufficient efficacy in severe impotence treatment. Sildenafil of enhanced potential that is the key ingredient of this Kamagra version works for over 80% of most complicated ED conditions.
  • Kamagra Chewable is created for men, who don’t like swallowing standard tablets. These delicious flavored tables can be taken anytime without attracting unnecessary attention to what you take. Also, their intake requires no water. Kamagra Chewable starts working in half an hour due to better bioavailability of Sildenafil.
  • Kamagra Soft tabs resemble Kamagra Chewable but works even faster – in 15 minutes. This version of the drug is sublingual (needs to be put under the tongue). Soft tabs are pleasant to taste and can be taken as a candy without informing your sexual partner. This option is amazing for sexual intercourse with little or no foreplay.
  • Kamagra Oral Jelly is one of the most popular Kamagra versions worldwide. Easy-to-use package, instant dilution and two ways of intake: directly from the package or with your favorite non-alcoholic drink. There are cases, when Kamagra Oral Jelly is purchased by women for their husbands. It can be added to drinks secretly.
  • Super Kamagra form combines 100 mg of Sildenafil with 60 mg Dapoxetine and beats two problems at once: poor erection and premature ejaculation. This medication needs about an hour to start working, but it is worth trying. In addition, many customers share: they can take it 40 minutes in advance.

How to take

During multiple clinical tests and according to doctors’ opinions, the optimal starting dosage was estimated: 50 mg of Sildenafil. It provides best balance between efficacy and safety, and causes fewer side effects, if any. A 50-mg dosage can be found both in branded Viagra and in generic Kamagra. Also, you can choose any of 100-mg tablets (Kamagra Gold, Kamagra 100 mg or Super Kamagra) and use a pill splitter to get a desired dosage.

You may have three types of reaction to 50-mg Viagra or Kamagra, but make sure you try at least twice.

  1. It felt right – obviously worked for you, erections were possible within 4-6 hours and product caused no side effects. In this case stick to this dose and remember the rule: 1 pill per 24 hours.
  2. It felt like too strong – the erections were longer than necessary, or you noticed severe side effects. You should try 25-mg Viagra or split 50-mg Kamagra in two. Also, you can try other ED generics, for example Levitra or Cialis. They may work well for you.
  3. It felt like not enough – the erection was insufficient harder or hasn’t changed, the effect disappeared in an hour. In this case you can try Kamagra 100 mg, Viagra 100 mg, Kamagra Gold, Kamagra Chewable, Kamagra Soft Tabs, Kamagra Oral Jelly or Super Kamagra.

Viagra and Kamagra: Resume

While Viagra and Kamagra have the same active ingredient – Sildenafil Citrate, the only characteristics we can compare are:

  1. Popularity – Viagra wins as the world-renown brand with 20 years at the market;
  2. Price per piece – Kamagra wins, as the price starts from $1.42. Pfizer’s Viagra costs a few times more;
  3. Variety of dosages – dead hit, if we take only pure Sildenafil pills. Do not forget that Kamagra offers a great combo with Dapoxetine;
  4. Variety of pharmaceutical forms – Kamagra wins with 7 options, while Viagra offers only 1.