Vitamins and Minerals that act as Natural Viagra
VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE). Vitamin B6 is a vital vitamin for the metabolism of proteins, ammins, and the synthesis of nucleic acids. Its deficiency causes serious nervous system problems, useful for Parkinson’s disease, help with all group b vitamins, seizures, dizziness, seborrhoea, zinc alveolar is useful in menstrual tension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cancer prevention, kidney stones, anemia, rheumatism, schizophrenia, cramps, depression, menopausal symptoms, irritability, infant convulsions, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, cystitis, skin lesions.
Foods that contain vitamin B6, yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, wheat germ oil, spirulina, medical herb, carrot, royal jelly, oat flakes, soy beans, nuts, sunflower seeds, whole bread, eggs.
Pollen, commercially available in granules, or powder, or tablets, if the pollen did not exist, the face of our planet would change, in fact all the plants that have flowers reproduce through pollen, a fine powder consisting of microscopic granules that represent the male genetic material. The stamen, male organ of the flower, is made up of a pedicle called filament, which has a swelling called antera. The structure is made up of four elongated pockets and is here inside that pollen forms. When antera reaches maturity, it opens, favoring the release of millions of pollen grains. Pollen comes to the female organ of the flower itself or from another flower of the same species, the path is accomplished in various ways of pollination. Each flower’s pollen is unique in the world as a fingerprint of the plant, and features only one flower. Each pollen can be of two types: belonging to the group of anemophiles or entomophiles. Anemophile means ‘wind friend’ and its vector is the wind, this is not very rich in vital principles, while entomophilic pollen means friend of insects, and above all is transported by bees. The bee stew visits a single species of flowers and therefore collects a single variety of pollen, which clings to the hair of the insect to the eyes, as if it were a miniature brush. Between a flight and the other is cleaned by conveying pollen of which is sprinkled in the abdomen, humidifying and kneading it, forming balls then depositing it in the hive. Pollen color can be white ivory, gray, yellow, greenish, red, brown up to black
Active pollen principles proteins, glucids, lipids, mineral salts, trace elements, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, the botanical source of pollen features its properties ‘contains 30% protein 100 grams of pollen contain as many amino acids as half a pound of meat, or seven eggs, there is the indispensable growth hormone, the histidine necessary for fixing inhaled oxygen through the respiration, the isoleucine which intervenes in the assimilation of the proteins, keucine necessary for the smooth functioning of the pancreas and the spleen, lysine that promotes red blood cell renewal and calcium fixation, methionine, essential for the growth and integrity of the body, also contains water, and glucids in varying proportions of 35-40%, consisting of simple sugars glucose and fructose, as well as lactose. There are also unsaturated fatty acids at an average of 5%, with hypocolesterolemic properties containing almost all the vitamins of the group B, vitamin A, PP, C, H, and mineral salts, oleaginous elements, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, manganese, fluorine, enzymes, antibiotics, routine, a substance that can increase capillary resistance.
Pollen activity improves intellectual faculties by increasing physical endurance to fatigue, increasing appetite, toning and stimulating, giving an euphoric effect and welL-being, balancing the functions of the body naturally and harmoniously, is also a detoxing general of the whole organism, has recuperative properties, stimulates gastric functions, and is effective in intestinal disorders due to abnormalities of bacterial flora or in the presence of pathogenic germs contains ferments, is a natural penicillin-like antibiotic that makes it a a true regulator of the intestine, has a positive action on the nervous system, regulating neurasthenia and psychic imbalances thanks to its amino acid content, is an adapter, rebalancing, when the body tends to lose weight or to fatten, it also has antianemic action, especially in children with increased red blood cells, acts in prostatic hypertrophy, en her anorexia. Useful in all ages and under all conditions in adults, it’s invigorating and stimulating, a functional balancer and a detoxifier of the whole body in children stimulates growth by acting as a rejuvenating and soothing in the elderly, it acts as a regulator, in pregnancy, it carries a beneficial action on metabolism and amino acids (always hear your doctor before you take it).
Pollen administration should be done in the spring or season changes, taking one teaspoon at breakfast, fasting before meal, gently chewing it to salivate, for 1 week to accustom the body and then increase the dose to 15 grams per day, which is roughly a spoonful. After two weeks, go to two tablespoons one in the morning and one at lunch, take at least a month. Cosmetic use of pollen yields benefits for epidermis and hair and hair nourishment.
Contraindications. Avoid its use in those who are allergic to pollen, in those with allergic rhinitis, characterized by itching to the nasal mucus and eyes, inflammation of sneezing in series and mucus secretion and tear fluid in the most serious cases there may be phenomena of asthma, sometimes there are difficulties in digesting pollen.
HISTIDINE, L-HISTIDINE. Histidine is an essential amino acid is an essential amino acid for the baby, but the adult is able to synthesize it autonomously. It is part of the formation of numerous enzymes. It is involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions, it is the precursor of histamine, L-histamine, forms of histidine and is released by the cells as an immune response, stimulates the function of the auditory nerve, and is necessary for the functioning of the nerve tissues, as it maintains the insulating layer surrounding the nerves, the myelin sheath, has vasodilatory action and decreases blood pressure stimulates gastric secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. It plays an active role in the response to male sexual excitement by recent studies seems to be useful in rheumatoid arthritis. It is important for tissue healing, for ulcers, for hyperacidity, for digestion, for gastric juices, is necessary for the treatment of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, for the production of white blood cells, and red, both histamine and L-histidine are used to eliminate excess copper. Sinergic histidine requires proper intake of vitamins B6 and c for its use. As a symptom of histidine deficiency, you may have hearing disorder.
L-PHENYLALANINE (L-PHENYLALANINE, D-PHENYLALANINE, DL-PHENYLALANINE) L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, increases the activity of endorphins, compounds that regulate the perception of pain, physical, due to acute or chronic illness, which is psychological, resulting from affective stress. L-phenylalanine intervenes in the biochemical processes associated with the synthesis of various neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine (known as noradrenaline) and epinephrine, stimulates mental and sexual activity, contains the desire for addictive substances (drug addiction), stimulates hormones that help control appetite stimulates encephalins that can relieve chronic pain also headaches, menstrual pains.
Phenylalanine activity relieves pain, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, useful in chronic pain, articular rheumatism, migraine, arthritis, useful in mental depression, stimulates the mind, is necessary for the thyroid gland, and is a precursor of other substances brain regulators, has general tonic effect, improves concentration capacity, and keeps the sense of satiety, reduces appetite, reduces the desire for drugs and alcohol, stimulates libido. Often used in the treatment of depression, produces norepinephrine that helps memory and learning
Phenylalanine synergies, for its best use it is good to use it together with vitamin B6 and C. Symptoms of phenylalanine deficiency, eye inflammation, cataracts, behavioral disorders, memory loss, skin eczema. Symptoms of excess phenylalanine raise dangerous blood pressure, it is dangerous if taken with antidepressants, is contraindicated in the presence of phenylketonuria
Avoid excesses in the use of phenylalanine in its use and only after high dose medical advice, hypertension, pregnancy, and people with phenylketonuria, which is a genetic disorder that people are unable to metabolize phenylalanine. Do not administer to people suffering from skin cancers (does not cause skin cancer) but may favor the proliferation of malignant pigmented melanoma.
CARNITINE (L-CARNITINE TARTRATE). A non-essential amino acid non-essential amino acid, not present in plant sources, may form in our body from lysine and methionine, however, it is recalled that even the latter two amino acids are not present in plant sources. to transport fatty acids and to promote their use for energy purposes, so it can be particularly useful for those who follow low-calorie diets, to decrease weight, and for those who carry out challenging, even sporting physical activities. Assumed before a physical effort, it helps its development. For the sportsman, it improves performance, increases aerobic capacity and improves the use of muscle glycogen. It is precious for male individuals, who need bigger benefits, also because carnitine depends on the motility of the sperm. By preventing accumulation of fat, carnitine decreases the risk of heart disease and improves athletic performance.
Carnitine deficiency causes some forms of sterility
Carnitine with Vitamin C, B6 and Iron Carnitine can be produced from the body if sufficient amounts of lysine, vitamin B1 and B6 and iron are available (vegetarians are most prone to carnitine deficiency due to their poor lysine diet), carnitine increases the effectiveness of antioxidant vitamins E and C.
COENZYME Q10 (UBIQUINONE, UBICHINONE, UBIDCARENONE). Q10 lipid-soluble co-enzyme, is a lipidic coenzyme discovered by Professor Crane in 1957, a professor at the University of Wisconsin in the United States. Ubiquinones are a biochemical family made up of various Coenzymes from 6 to 10, which are responsible for the work of energy transport in the blood, called electron transport, this series of chemical reactions takes place in cell mitochondria and as a result the synthesis of the ATP, which is the primary source of cellular energy. It is similar to vitamin structure and, note, the level of coenzyme q10 is higher in vegetarians.
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, elevates the immune system, heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, degenerative neurological disorders (always consult your healthcare professional and do not interrupt therapies without medical supervision), hypertension, gingivitis, dental affections.
Coenzyme Q10 is present in soy, cereals, nuts, vegetables, spinach, soy, fish, sardines, vegetable oils, wheat germ. This coenzyme is synthesized in our cells from feeding, but with aging this synthesis decreases, other causes of deficiency can be malnutrition, chemical poisoning, chronic illnesses.
Internal use of coenzyme Q10 is a key action in energy production and has an antioxidant action, coenzyme is naturally synthesized by our cells, but with age this process decreases, as the liver becomes less efficient in converting the ubiquinones present in the cells foods, and you may have deficiency of this coenzyme even for malnutrition or taking some drugs or in the presence of chronic illnesses. The heart has the greatest concentration of this coenzyme, and its therapeutic use is useful in the presence of cardiovascular disease in congestive heart failure characterized by fluid retention, swelling (edema), respiratory distress, and impaired blood circulation. giving excellent results, it seems that its use is effective in the case of cancer and muscular dystrophy, (always hear your own doctor and not arbitrarily interrupt medical treatments), in angina pectoris, and in practicing sports in a competitive way a remarkable antioxidant action and works together with vitamin E, lowers cholesterol, useful in hypertension is an essential and necessary coenzyme for respiration and cell regeneration, raises the immune defense rate, always useful under medical control, even in ischemia, in gingivitis, in dental affections, scientific studies are underway for the use of coenzyme Q10 in diseases degenerative neurologics such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease and multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and psoriasis. It is useful to associate coenzyme Q10 with vitamin E (wheat germ).
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant liposoluble, which acts against free radicals that oxidize collagen and elastin, and is therefore useful in the loss of skin elasticity and in the prevention of wrinkle formation.
Contraindications for coenzyme Q10 is potential interaction with warfarin. Many scientific publications have demonstrated the efficacy and harmlessness of coenzyme Q10, however, always hear your own doctor before taking supplements with coefficient of Q10 (should be taken with meals to avoid having heavy stomach).
CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Chili, a plant of the Solanaceae family has white flowers, fruits are used, perennial herbaceous plant originates from the central and tropical America.
Capsicum annuum or chili, known among herbal remedies as capsicum, odd to say but cures inflammation, whether it is burns, arthritis, and rashes, applied to the skin causes vasodilatation, and is therefore revulsive in the case of tonsillitis, neuralgia, properly diluted tincture is helpful for hair growth, do not overdo it in use because it could cause necrosis of the tissues. Always follow the instructions given for the purchase of the product. There are no contraindications for external use, but should not be applied on skin damaged and in people who are allergic to chili.
Capsicum annuum, chili pepper, is useful for lowering blood pressure, stimulating blood circulation, regulating the intestine, useful in case of hemorrhoids, liver dysfunction, cirrhosis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis due to its antioxidant properties prevents intestinal rotting, capsaicin is able to mitigate herpes zoster, said sabtantonio fire, it seems that this substance inhibits the feeling of pain due to inflammation processes, who has pains caused by herpes benefit from this cream the capsaicin cream should be applied 3-4 times a day, although you may have a feeling of pain in the early days, in your toothache it is useful to put 1-2 drops of chili oil at the base of the painful tooth and pass the pain (ask your doctor first). The ointment is also useful for diabetic neuropathies or pain caused by amputation or mastectomy, and the use of peripheral neuropathies in AIDS patients is being studied. The substance P is responsible for the transmission of pain and inflammation processes – it seems that capsicin stimulates the adrenal cortex and increases the production of corticosteroids, also stimulates cardiac, circulatory, and respiratory function (in the presence of serious illnesses always hear your own doctor) characterize rheumatoid arthritis, burns, and serious gastrointestinal diseases.
Active ingredients capsicum annuum, chili pepper, pepsicin, alkaloid that gives it its spicy flavor, has a good percentage of vitamins, seeds contain lecithin that, combined with blood cholesterol, keeps the arteries, capsaicin, oleoresin containing capsaicinoids also those responsible for spicy flavor, carotenoids that confer red color, flavonoids glucosides, ascorbic acid, proteins, asparagine, serine, fatty oil, B2, Pp vitamins, tocopherols, provitamin A. It has a high vitamin C content, superior to citrus fruits, capsanthin, capsorubin, lutein, cryptoxanthine, essential oil, sugars, vitamin PP, vitamin and provitamin, organic acids, fatty acids, palmitic, stearic, oleic acid.
Using capsicum annuum, chili, daily taken moderately in foods, reduces the incidence of thromboembolic disorders characterized by the formation of blood clots as it has a fibrinolytic action, promotes digestion as it stimulates gastric secretion, It helps in the gastric atonium, and it is useful to supplement your diet with fresh chili pepper or powder. But be careful not to exceed in consumption because it could harm the peripheral nerves of taste, unfounded suspicion that could exacerbate duodenal ulcers, but an excess could cause loss of appetite, chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis, constipation, can damage kidneys, liver, very high doses can induce hypothermia, anaphylactic manifestations and death.
In cuisine, chili, for first and second courses, sauces, sauces, added to particularly fat foods facilitates digestion.
Contraindications. Chili is not indicated for those suffering from stomach acid, ulcer, and gastroenteritis; it should be administered for internal use under medical advice according to individual tolerance, and it is advisable not to abuse chili, internally because strong doses can be harmful to the kidneys and cause gastritis, colon inflammation and constipation, possible interference with IMAO.
Excessive use of anticoagulant medicines or bleeding is not necessary to avoid the use of chili peppers if they have burnt on the mouth or stomach after eating chili, and eat a banana immediately. External contact on the skin can cause burns and vesicles. Dermatitis-related contact with paprika, external use and prolonged use in the form of ointment, may result in dermatitis, including vesicles and ulcers.
OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM. This substance has a perfect balance of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium absorbable carbon, carbonic acid, phosphoric acid and other minerals.
Health benefits. Thanks to the presence of calcium is useful for caries, osteoporosis, bone fractures, hypertension. Useful to aid the formation of bone callus, helps to speed up healing from fractures, disorders in calcium metabolism, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, demineralization, intake of the preparation helps to prevent fractures, menopausal disorders related to lack of calcium and minerals, tooth decay, balance the mineral elements of the bone tissue, its intake does not cause side effects, prevents blood vessels injuries, prevents hypertension, prevents stroke due to substantially calcium deficiency.
Calcium is an essential mineral for our body, its deficiency causes opacity in the peripheral part of the crystalline, weakening in the structure of the teeth, bone fragility and friability, osteoporosis, congestive heart failure, water retention, nerve disorders, rickets, pain in the joints and bones, anxiety, palpitations, breathing difficulties, cramps, painful physical contractions, grinding the teeth, a severe calcium deficiency provokes tetany. Calcium is useful in hypertension, because it leads to normal pressure. Calcium associated with vitamin D is useful for allergic lacrimation and itching. This element is used for menopausal disorders, for arthritis, calcium calms the nerves. Some of the plants listed here are not recommended for hypertension.
Herbal Viagra (Yagara) capsules from My Canadian Pharmacy
In the paragraphs above we have looked at a variety of herbs, vitamins and minerals that can help you ward off ED in an all-natural way. When approved by doctor, they can become your first-line defense against the odds of sexual impotence. However, it takes certain discipline, consistency and determination to win back your virility using all of the above.
A simpler and more impactful solution you can opt for is getting a complex of natural remedies against ED in form of capsules. One of the most popular supplements of this sort is Herbal Viagra, or Yagara, available through MCP. This preparation features six ingredients of natural origin: Lata Karanj, Akkal Kara, Vidhara Beej, Shilajit and Ashwagandha.
Yagara is taken as a therapy course of 60 days. Unlike pharmaceutically formulated Viagra Herbal Viagra is taken according to a posology schedule, once daily at bedtime. The stable result will be experienced starting from week three, but a measurable improvement will be felt already after the first five days